miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Village Destroyed by Turkey Earthquake

Village Destroyed by Turkey Earthquake
Photograph from AFP/Getty Images
The village of Okcular lies in shambles on March 8, 2010, hours after an
earthquake in Turkey shook a remotely populated area of the country, killing at least 51. The magnitude 5.9 temblor hit Elazig Province (see map) in the predawn hours, destroying stone and mud-brick houses and minarets in at least six villages, according to the Associated Press.Though the Turkey earthquake closely follows deadly temblors in Haiti (see Haiti earthquake pictures) and Chile (see Chile earthquake pictures), the three seismic events are too distant geographically to be related, seismologist Bernard Doft, of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute in Utrecht, told AP.
Published March 8, 2010

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